Kenn ihr bereits den Shop Reserved? Ich habe dort als Teen immer geshoppt, wenn ich in Polen bei meiner Familie war....
DE: Urlaub am Meer. Entspannung pur! Diesen Sommer war ich nach vielen Jahren endlich mal wieder bei meiner...
DE: The final one! Endlich kann ich euch das letzte Outfit von der Fashion Week Poland zeigen. Ich hoffe es gefällt...
DE: Mein 3. Outfit für die Fashion Week Poland. Ich hatte hier ;bereits angekündigt, dass es ein wenig...
ENG: These photos were taken already in april, during Fashion Week Poland. I can show you them only now, because...
ENG: This week the Fashion Week Poland took place (without me). Taking a look at the catwalk, sushi for...
ENG: Where did Jil Sander come from? Who printed bananas on dresses? Who is the new designer for Dior?...
ENG: These are the last photos from Fashionweek Poland, but don’t be sad, there are still a few videos...
To see more Youtube videos from Lynn and Me click here.
ENG: My third look for Fashion Week Poland was a jumpsuit I sew in my second semester and a...
With Evelina and Lynn Our apartment looked like a walk-in closet Necklace: Takko | Jumpsuit My own design | blazer: vintage |...
OFF Out of schedule – The OFF shows are really interesting, because the young designers talents always come up...
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