DE: OVERDIVITY wurde im Januar 2010 von Ania Kluk in Leben gerufen. Der Blog entstand parallel zum Modedesign Studium. Aus der ursürunglichen Idee, ihre Erfahrungen als Designerin und ihre Entwürfe zu teilen, entwickelte sich schnell ein Mode- und Lifestyleblog. Nach ihrem Bachelor of Arts Abschluss, studiert Ania Multi Channel Trade Management in Textile Business an der HAW in Hamburg. Neben dem Blog, arbeitet sie freiberuflich im Bereich Blogger Relations bei einer PR Agentur in Hamburg.
OVERDIVITY ist eine Wortkombination aus „overdressed“ und „creativity“. Es drückt die Freude am Experimentieren mit der Mode aus, die Ania täglich verspürt, wenn sie ihre Outfit zusammensetzt.
EN: OVERDIVITY was created in January 2010 by Ania Kluk. The blog was created, when she started studying fashion design in Hamburg. The thought was to share her experiences and designs, but soon the blog evolved into an established fashion and lifestyle blog. After her Bachelor of Arts degree, Ania is now studying Multi Channel Trade Mangement in Textile Business. Besides her blog, she is also working as a freelancer at a PR Agency in Hamburg, where has the blogger relations consultant position.
OVERDIVITY is a combination of the words „overdressed“ and „creativity“. It expresses the fun Ania has while experimenting and playing with fashion every day.
Some of the brands I already collaborated with are:
Pandora, Edited, Daniel Wellington, FashionID, Gina Tricot, Le Specs, Mister Spex, Herbal Essences, Malibu, Amorelie, Polaroid, About You, Milarte, Pinko, Flaconi, Firmoo, Alessandro, Bijou Brigitte, New Yorker, LR World, Caseable, Ellis Faas, Foot Locker, Glossybox, Fritzi aus Preußen, Deichmann, Roland, Style Moi, Marlies Dekkers, Tumi, Triangl
Want more information or cooperate with OVERDIVITY? Feel free to contact me anytime!