DE: Als ich letzten Sommer meinen Koffer für Paris packte, landeten unbewusst sehr viele rote Teile im Koffer und mehrere rote Lippenstifte. Paris bringe ich irgendwie mit dieser Farbe zusammen. Die Fotos haben wir im Stadtteil Montmarte gemacht. Besonders toll, fand ich das Künstlerviertel und eine Ausstellung von Salvador Dali.
EN: When I packed my bag for Paris last summer, unconsciously many red clothes landed in there, as well as several red lipsticks. I associate that color very strongly with Paris. The photos were made in the district of Montmarte. I especially liked the artists‘ quarter and an exhibition of Salvador Dali.
EN: When I packed my bag for Paris last summer, unconsciously many red clothes landed in there, as well as several red lipsticks. I associate that color very strongly with Paris. The photos were made in the district of Montmarte. I especially liked the artists‘ quarter and an exhibition of Salvador Dali.
skirt: Vero Moda| Jacket: Nelly | glasses: H&M |
Cute skirt! ;)
You Like It? I Made It!
Love the jacket, the shape&model goes well with different kinds of outfits! That's cute how you combine certain color with Paris, the city does have it's own strong character, so no wonder! :)
Firstly, thank you so much for dropping by my blog and commenting on my post! :) I would love it if we follow each other. You are looking lovely in this ensemble! :) I love the red skirt!! <3
Paris = Red. I agree! :) Utter Fabulosity babe! :) I am following you now and please return the favor and follow me back too!! :)
P.S. — New Post on my blog!! :) Make sure, you take out time and take a look. I'd really appreciate that!! <3 You have lovely blog!
hübscher rock :)
amazing pics!I follow you!Thanks for your comment!
sweet details, beautiful photos :)
i love your jacket dear! the combination makes the jacket more gorgeous.
Btw, you've got a lovely blog! definitely following in both platforms!
Great outfit. Love your blog.
Tolle Bilder und toller Blog ! :)
love these pics!!!that skirt is simply perfect!!
a kiss from the
Very pretty! Love the skirt and jacket! Nice pictures!
nice <3
Thanks for following me.
I am following you back!
My dear,
I found your blog by chance, while peeking others and I decided to check it out! I’m glad I did it, because I am really delighted with yours. It's beautiful, well structured, interesting… and it has completely got me hooked. I think we're going to get along just fine! ;)
I'd like to invite you to follow each other. I’d be very pleased.
I wish you lots of success and will surely come back often
Cute skirt :))
Can't Afford Chanel Blog
You look amazing! Love your jacket!
I follow you on bloglovin! Follow me back?
Really love your skirt, sure we can follow each other! followed you, and im waiting for you <33
Oooh, love that striped jacket!
I adore the pleated, red skirt as well. So chic <3
And thanks for your comment, I'd love to follow each other!
Following via Bloglovin and GFC now :)
Waiting for you
sweet pictures <3
great jackett. i would love to follow eachother. ill start.
love alex
Hi lovely,
I totally love this outfit!!You look so pretty;)
I just found your blog,it's very cute.I added to your followers!Follow back?:)
Have a great weekend!
Fashion tea at 5
New post about my outfit for Just Cavalli show!
It's my favorite city ever!
Thank you for stopping on my blog, and of course it will be a
pleasure following each others! And just done via GFC and BLovin!
Now waiting on you…
Have a nice week end!
Hello! thanks by passing for my blog, of course i would like that us to follow each other in GFC and Bloglovin, me charm your skirt, but more the jacket, already I follow you! :)
wow great look!:)
Hey thanks for your comment, of course I'm happy to follow each other, I'm a follower right now =)
Following you now. =).
Thanks for checking out my blog. You have a lovely blog. And yes, I would be glad to follow you. Hopefully you can follow me back. =).
ohhhh Paris! very pretty pictures!
Love the beige jacket with the red skirt!
Juneli from Fashionably Yours
great skirt! love the last pictures!
Schöne Bilder und toller Rock :)
Liebe Grüße, Susann
Fashion in Pepperland
So lucky :D traveling is amazing !
Like your skirt ,
Fi *
So envy!! I wanna be there!