Fashion Award 26/10/2012
ENG: Two weeks ago I was invited to see a show, where students from my school and another design school from Hamburg, could apply with their ideas, in four different categories,
There were 6 nominees in each category. The each had to realize 2 outfits, to present on that night and I am very proud to say, that the students from my school did win 11 from 12 prizes with their outfits,.
The show was moderated by Janine Reinhardt and on the catwalk we could see the famous male model Mario Galla.
The after show party turned out to be a little disappointing, though the location was quite cool.
DE: Vor zwei Wochen, war ich zu einer Show eingeladen, bei der die Studenten meiner Uni und einer anderen Modeuni aus Hamburg, ihre Entwürfe für je eine von vier Kategorien einreichen durften.
Es gab für jede Kategorie sechs Nominierte, die jeweils zwei Outfits realisieren und am Abend der Show präsentieren sollten. Ich muss sagen, dass ich stolz bin, dass die Studenten meiner Uni 11 von 12 Preisen gewonnen haben.
Die Show wurde von Janine Reinhardt moderiert und auf dem Catwalk lief das berühmte männliche Model Mario Galla.
Die After Show Party kam leider nicht so richtig in die Gänge, obwohl die Location wirklich toll war.
the sequins skirt is out of this world.
Klar darfst du das benutzen :) ich hoffe auch das es mit dem treffen klappt, war echt lustig.
amazing skirt
xx the cookies
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visit <3
love the skirt! :)
Those outfits are so gorgeous and you're really pretty! Lovely post, thanks for sharing this wonderful experience with us. I absolutely adore your blog and have followed you. There's a new post up on my blog right now and I'd love to hear what you think :) x
♡, Fatima (fashionpilgrim)
Twitter: @fashpilgrim
Instagram: @fashionpilgrim
you look amazing! this skirt is perfect!
Great show and love your outfit! Looks like your school is full of talented people!
Great post! I love it! ^^ You have a nice blog, mind to follow each other? :)
ur skirt is so stunning :)
So cool u got to be there!
OH! Don' forget to check my Anna Dello Russo at H&M GIVEAWAY :).
Cooles Outfit & schöner Blog! Gefällt mir gut :)
Hättest du Lust auf ggs. Verfolgen? Würde mich freuen!
Wär schön, wenn du auf beiden Blogs vorbeischaust! :)
Liebe Grüße, Isabella :)
The Big Love To Go
Dream A Little Dream Photography
great post!
you look amazing :)
Love the skirt, you have a great blog!
I'm following you now, I'm happy if you wan to follow me back :)
Kindly visit
so interesting:D
you look great,really:D
I invite you to mo on my new post:D
what a cool event dear, you look stunning! nice pics you took! kisses! xo
Awww whow I love that skirt, unfotunately I can't find it here….that's a pitty…how many does it costs?????
I think it was 60 or 70 €.
Beautiful pictures!!!!
I love that H&M skirt!!
And your nails look amazing
Have a lovely weekend
Love from London