DE: Wie angekündigt zeige ich euch ein weiteres Teil aus der Versace for H&M Kollektion: Meine absolute Lieblings-leggings! Dazu meine absolute Lieblingsmütze von Cubus, die ich zwischenzeitlich auch mal verloren habe, doch zum Glück gab es sie noch im Geschäft und nun bin ich unzertrennlich und werde mich wahrscheinlich auch bei Temperaturen über 15° weigern sie abzunehmen. Wenn ich zu diesen beiden Lieblingsteilen noch ein Oversizehemd und einen gemütlichen Pulli trage, fühle ich mich pudelwohl.
EN: As announced, I show you another part of the Versace collection for H&M: My absolute favorite leggings! I added my absolute favorite beanie, I had lost it, but fortunately they were still available in the shops and now I’ll probably inseparable, even at temperatures above 15 ° i’ll refuse to take it off. When I wear these two favorite pieces with an oversize shirt and a cozy sweater, I feel happy all day.
photos: Pretty Mess
leggings: Versace for H&M | sweater: Cubus | necklace: polish market | beanie: Cubus | heels: Primark | coat: Primark
stylizacja mega<3
You look amazing! Loving your tropical leggins.
Would you like to follow each other in
Check my new post
love your pants!! Of course, I´m your new follower :)
really nice leggings :)..really nice blog please check out my blog let me know what you think…maybe follow if you fancy? :)x
great leggins and whole set!
Hi . I want I follow your bolg.
That shoes is fantastic. ;))
I invite for my blog .
the sweater is so cute!!
*** Join my International Street Style Giveaway!
Your fashion style is amazing! Yes, would love to follow each other.
Hope you visit again soon :)
OMG! It's very cute;))
Amazing pants :D
Hope you'll visit me :)
Lots of kisses, Elly
Looove this outfit! :)
Süßes Outfit ,steht dir toll ♡
Hey, love! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog.
I'm most definitely following you now, and I hope you will do the same.
Take care! xoxo
followed bk sweety :)
love the leggings!!!! so cute
thank u for visiting my blog, i'd love if we can follow eachother
i'm already following u, hope u can do the same
I love your leggings so much!!!!
Kisses, Lucy!
Hey. Saucooles Outfit!! :) Ich folge dir jetzt & wenn du willst folg mir zurück!
The Golden Bun | new post | follow me
pretty woman
Legginsy są fantastyczne!! świetnie wyglądasz :)
omg You're so Cute! Thanks for the love on my page. Ofcourse i'd love to "follow each other" Your newest follower
PS: you rock those tights
Hi Ancia, thank you for visiting and leaving such a lovely comment in my blog.
Of course i would like to follow each other…
I love your blog though :)
Talking about this post, I do love the way you mixed your legging and sweater! Perfect match!
thaks for ur comment on my blog :)
cute leggings !
im following you now , follow back ?
I am following you now via bloglovin.
I look forward to reading your future posts :)
Thank's for the comment on my blog. I'm following you now.
radha xoxo
hi ! love this leggings! so tropical style;))!!!
love the jumper too!
and neckalace!
thanks for your comment;))
i follow you now;))
see you soon;)
Hello, thanks for your comment on my blog. Of course let's follow each others.
I'm following you now,
hope you'll follow me back
Tak tak, jak najbardziej :)
Wow, I love those Versace fro H&M leggings on you, perfect styling!
Follow each other?
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I’ d be very pleased if you like my blog enough to follow it and I will follow yours of course! I wish you lots of success and will surely come back often!
Stay Luxury
Love the leggings and the collar too!!!
Wow beautiful styling! :)
Welcome to the blogs: http:/ new notes and feel free to watch and also on the blog my friend!
great inspiration! love the first pic!
thanks for sharing!
if you like we can follow each other on bloglovin :)
let me know!
Cute leggings! Love them! Thank you for your comment, of couse we can follow each other! I'm your brand new follower!
Nooo! I can't believe it, they are amaziiiing! They are perfect for this season and summer, i wonna a pair of them <3
I follow you immediately, thanks for have commented on
I hope to see you as soon as possible in my lovely follower on GoogleF or Bloglovin and Facebook
Kisses from Milan! ;)
Cudne legginsy! :)
świetny blog, obserwuuje wiec licze na to samo
dziękuję bardzo ;*
Super! :D
już dodaje się do obserwatorów :)
fajne legginsy
Hi dear! thanks a lot for stopping by!:) Of course I would love to follow each other!:) I follow u now!:) Nice blog! Btw, great look, I like the leggings!:) Kisses!
wow! you look amazing, I like the combination you did !and your leggins are so cool, Great outfit! I´m following you, if you want check out mine
Świetne leginsy :)
Pewnie ze obserwujemy :) Ja już :)
cute leggings dear :D
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment! Nice leggings and the way you styled it! I am following you now and if you like please do the same xoxo ES
Yes, of cours! I'll follow you! :) Leggins're sooo nice! I love it!
jasne, że tak :) Ja juz dodaje :)
You look great!
Follow :)
your pant are incredible ;)
of course that i add you ;*
Love the leggings! Nice outfit! ヅ
P.S. Hi Ancia! Thanks for your cool comment on our blog. Count us as your newest followers thru GFC and Bloglovin'. We are waiting for you to do the same. 乂⍲‿⍲乂
Thank you! 乂⍲‿⍲乂
I follow you ;)
I love your legging♥♥♥!! Very nice..
love your sweater!
Hey thanks for the comment on my blog…& I have been following you for a while now and I would like if you'd follow back. Thanks!!!
Piksty :-)
great look and I love those leggings!!!
Great leggings!
Love the Versace for H&M Collection!
Nice blog ;-)
I'm your new follower :)
Thanks for your visit! I´m following you! Your blog is very pretty!
XOXO! :)
Even though the Versace x H&M collection is a while back I still totally like the leggins! … and I'm still wearing the sweater with the same pattern all the time :)
spodnie ♥
dankeschön! die leggins sind ja mal geil! klar, ich mach mal den anfang jetzt bist du dran :)♥
leggins are amazing!:)
i like it;D
I'm following you;)
those leggings are so cute, and you styled them so nicely. thank you for commenting on my blog. Id Love to follow eachother
Ich konnte mich für die Versace-Kollektionen bisher überhaupt nicht begeistern.
Such a beautiful outfit, I love your pants! <3
Genialny sweter i te legginsy <3
świetne leginsy!:D i stylizacja:)
oczywiście obserwujemy, już dodaje:)
You look amazing, wonderful leggings and of course I add to follow :)
Strasznie podobają mi się leginsy :))
u dont have fb
lookbook instead <3
much love for u!
wunderschon blog:D
followin u too!!
on bloglovin fb and gfc
follow back <3
loveur style
join my GIVEAWAY! last day
join my GIVEAWAY! last day
Such a great outfit, your pants are so cool!
I follow you now, if you like follow me too! :)
X Camilla
czaiłam się na te legginsy versace dla h&m, ale stwierdziłam,że są zbyt wzorzaste jak na moje grube nogi :( Ale na Tobie prezentują się bardzo przyzwoicie. Podoba mi się .
Obserwujemy . ; )
your tights are so cute! love it :)
Rewelacyjnie! podoba mi się wszystko:)
ciekawa stylizacja :) oczywiście obserwuję i liczę, że zrobisz to samo ;) pozdrawiam
You looks amazing.
Wow, your pants are absolutely incredible! Love the print and bold colours and you have styled them to perfection. The setting is gorgeous too – wish we had places like that in Australia!
Thank you for your sweet comment! :) I love your blog and am following you now!
Hope you'll come and pop by again. :)
<3 Mandy xx
Gorgeous! Love the leggings hun, definitely got my eye for the next post.
star wars account for sale
Lovely <3
lovely leggins !
ale świetne legginsy ! :)
I am following :)
i love those jeans print!
Those tights are so cute…LUV the look.
Piksty :-)
This is so cute! I love the bold leggings and how you styled them with that gorgeous sweater and beanie; cool + chic!
Have a great weekend!