The perfect blue (and cream) dress 24/09/2011
DE: Ich liebe dieses Kleid!! Ich habe es speziell für die Hochzeitsfeier einer Freundin designt und meine
Oma hat es mir dann genäht. Anfangs sollte es komplett aus dem blauen Stoff
bestehen, doch das sah dann sehr madamig aus. Das beige Element verleiht dem
ganzen mehr frische und Jugend.
Oma hat es mir dann genäht. Anfangs sollte es komplett aus dem blauen Stoff
bestehen, doch das sah dann sehr madamig aus. Das beige Element verleiht dem
ganzen mehr frische und Jugend.
Die Schuhe, die ich dazu trug, gab es damals (als ich mit meinem Blog
angefangen habe) bei H&M, allerdings war meine Größe vergriffen. Vor kurzem
war ich dann bei einer Freundin und siehe da, diese Prachtschuhe stehen bei ihr
im Regal – noch mit dem Etikett dran! Ich beglückwünsche sie zu den tollen
Schuhen und schon holt sie diese aus dem Regal und drückt sie mir in die Hand,
mit der Aussage, dass sie bei ihr nur weiter einstauben würden.
angefangen habe) bei H&M, allerdings war meine Größe vergriffen. Vor kurzem
war ich dann bei einer Freundin und siehe da, diese Prachtschuhe stehen bei ihr
im Regal – noch mit dem Etikett dran! Ich beglückwünsche sie zu den tollen
Schuhen und schon holt sie diese aus dem Regal und drückt sie mir in die Hand,
mit der Aussage, dass sie bei ihr nur weiter einstauben würden.
EN: I love this dress!!
I had it specially designed for the wedding of a friend and my grandma made it for me. Initially, it should consist entirely of the blue fabric, but then it looked very old madame-like. The added element makes the whole more fresh and young looking.
The shoes I wore, were (when I started my blog) available at H&M stores, but my size was sold out. Recently, I was at friend’s and saw this beauty stand on her shoes shelf – still with the price-tag! I congratulated her for the great shoes and then she pulls them off the shelf and presses it into my hand, with the statement that they would continue to catchh dust on her shelf, if i didn’t take them.
photos: Lukas (via Pentax kx)
dress: DIY (my design, made by granny) | shoes: H&M (a present from B.) |
such a pretty dress. the colour suits you really good.
Jaaa, an die Schuhe kann ich mich noch gut erinnern! Die habe ich mir auch überlegt damals. Wunderschön! Ebenso das Kleid -tolles Design, super Farbe!! Und du schaust super aus! So strahlend! :-)
Wow you look pretty..)
you rock this drees… love it… and yes I want to follow each other, I'm follow u now… kisses
WOW when i first saw the dress i was like oooooh where is it from, looking for the label! then i read that it was your design!!! wow congrats, im so impressed, i love love love the dress!! the asymmetrical sleeves are perfect and the creme bit makes ti even better!
also, i saw that you live in Hamburg, is that true? i will be passing through Hamburg in about a month for a few hours, and i know that we havent spoken much yet, but i was wondering if you'd maybe want to meet up for lunch or something? :) ive never been to Hamburg, so it would be great to have a friendly face around for at least a little bit and to make sure i dont get lost! ;) please let me know! :) ♥
Thanks a lot dear! We're now following your lovely blog too :-)!
I LOVE a long sleeved mini-dress! So cute!!
XO Lucy
PS: Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'm your newest follower!
I love the dress and it perfectly went with your shoes! Your friend is very generous.
Followed you by the way. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Hope you'll follow back!
wow,, your dress is bueatiful!!!
xx Zeynep
hey sweetie, thank you for your comment! Your blog seems nice, so yes, I want to follow each other :D
Sorry something must have happened, but I am now following. Thanks for following back.
That dress is absolutely adorable and I love the colors.
Thanks for the comment on my blog and sure we can follow each other. I jst followed. I'll be waiting.
Piksty :-)
Omg you're lucky to have received those great shoes! And can I have your grandma? Wish I had someone who can make my clothes!! I'd love for us to follow each other! I'm already a follower, don't forget to follow back! xx
Thanks for stopping by ~ :)
cute outfit!
Following ;)
Thank u for the comment! I would love it if you'd follow me, I already follow you! =) Hope u follow me too! =9
your dress is really beautiful!!! nice creation and nice combination!!!
I;m following you will you follow me back?
That's a really lovely blog, I gladly followed you and I'm hoping for a follow back. Your dress is pretty, I like the white part!
xoxo, Dominika
Hey, love that dress! I can learn German now on your blog, I'm not very good at it, my grade is C (3). :/
Following you!
ok!follow us!
Very pretty your dress ! :D
Follow me too ^^
Danke für deinen netten Kommentar! : ) Ja klar hätten wir Lust auf gegenseitiges folgen. Wir folgen deinen Blog jetzt … Wäre nett wenn du uns jetzt zurück folgst. : )
WOW tolles Kleid … Ich mag den Schnitt total und die Farben sind wunderschön.
Oh, you're very pretty :D
I'm following you ^^
Follow me too :)
oh my goodness you look fabulous! :)
Hey Ancia, thank you for your sweet message on my blog. I'd like to follow each other! (You have a great style;)) I'm following you now. Love Jenna
Thank you so much for visiting our blog and for your lovely comment :)
You look adorable in the dress :)
Oh and we are following you through bloglovin ;)
thanks for stopping by!! ;)
Of course i'm following you! And you?
Oh I love your dress too! :)
Thanks fro visiting my blog! And sure we can follow each other. I will start now :)
I added cool smileys to this message… if you don't see them go to:
that's so nice that your grandma made this dress! its really pretty! <3
now following
You look so stunning! Amazing post!
We love your blog! Would you like to follow each other :-)?
Sehr schöner Blog und ein noch schöneres Kleid. Ich bin sehr beeindruckt. Diese Schuhe passen perfekt und dafür hat man Freunde, damit sie einem die Schuhe wegkaufen um sie später wenn man sie braucht zu geben. ;)
Danke für dein liebes Kommentar, du hast einen neuen Verfolger und freu mich über dich als meinen neuen Verfolger.
I'm following already, but I don't have an avatar so I'm in the end of the list. :)
Thank you for your comment. Wow, your dress is so interesting, I love it. And what a nice friend. :) I will definitely like to follow each other!
This dress looks gorgeous on you:) and thank you for stopping by at my blog, I am following you now:) xxx
Love your dress it is gorgeous!
I am definitely following u, lovely blog, thanks for stopping by mine and commenting!
following you now :)
Love the dress, very original! =) Really like your blog! Tanks for the comment, I would love to follow you and even more if you'd follow me! =)
You look great! Following you now. Would love if you follow back.
thanks 4 visit my blog!i'm fashion student,love your DIY drees!!and the shoes!:)
i follow you!follow me back in:
xoxo C.
Thanks for comment!
Nice dress!
Obreswujemy! ;D
Hey! Thanks for your comment. I'm already following you, follow me back ;) Love your dress btw!
I love that dress too! It suits you great! That blue has become one of my fav colors! I like your bracelet and shoes as well! Very nice way to combine!
p.s. Tks for comment on my blog, I'm following you now too and looking forward to your next posts!
Gorgeous outfit!! Thank's to visit my blog, I'm follow you too!
Its a gorgeous dress, the colours look fantastic on you! :)
omg your super pretty and your dress is gorgeous
basically you look stunning !!
It's pretty! Love the color.
Thanks for your comment. It's a good idea ;) I'm following you now.
Hi again, thanks for your lovely comment and thank you so much for following my blog, I am now gladly following back and looking forward to new posts from you ! :-) Kisses
Fashion and Cookies
My Twitter
Yeah it's a very nice dress! :)
Following <3
Sweet dress-really cool that your grandma made it!
thanks for visiting my blog, and yeah lets follow eachother! i'm following you now x
awww thanks for commenting! maybe we can follow each other :) I'm following you! your blog is awesome! RRRGHHHHH AMAZING!
Gorgeous dress!!! Love it!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog and yes, I would love to follow each other!
I am following you now!
xoxo Denise
This is so pretty!
P.S. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Of course I would love to follow you and I hope you would do the same :)
wow, pretty dress, can not believe it is a DIY. nice sandals too. you have a really nice friend :)
follow each other?
Your dress is amazing, love it ! Also the shoes go so well with it =)
I like your style and I'd be happy if you wanted us to follow each other ! Kisses
Fashion and Cookies
My Twitter
pretty dress ! <3
Journal J
Świetnie wyglądasz, cudne buty!
Obserwuję bloga, liczę na to samo! :)
Wow! What a crazy dress :) Really amzing, but I would have liked it even in madame-like version: so chic! ;)
bardzo ładnie ci w tej sukience :)
myślę że możemy się obserwować nawzajem (już cię dodałam do blogów obserwowanych- liczę na to samo)
dziękuje i zapraszam ponownie:
omg!love your dress!
thanks for your comment!;)
follow you and i hope that you return on my blog!
kisses and have a nice day!=)
Wow, great combination of the dress and shoes!
xx Marije
Thanks for your comment on my blog! I like your outfit – colors and your pretty smile! Following you now! Follow me back and make me happy! =}
Lovely design! Lucky thing to have your Grandma on hand to make it for you! xx
Tikkitiboo + Ahka Vintage
you look awesome!
love your blog!
such a beautiful dress!!
Lovely dress, I adore your sense of style! Thanks for your comment on my blog, I followed you! Could you follow me back? X
Amazing dress!!!
XO, Liza
fashion over groceries
I love your dress. You look beautiful.
Thank u for visiting my blog. I'm following u now, would love it if you'd follow me back. :)
very pretty dress, nice design!