DE: Beim vorletzten Post habe ich euch meine diesjährige Sucht
nach plissierten Röcken gebeichtet. Hier seht ihr nochmal den Rock mit dem
alles begann. Den schwarzen, leicht transparenten Midi Rock vom Flohmarkt, den ich zu einem
Schnäppchenpreis bekommen habe (dabei war er noch neu, mit Etikett dran).
nach plissierten Röcken gebeichtet. Hier seht ihr nochmal den Rock mit dem
alles begann. Den schwarzen, leicht transparenten Midi Rock vom Flohmarkt, den ich zu einem
Schnäppchenpreis bekommen habe (dabei war er noch neu, mit Etikett dran).
Im Moment liebäugle ich gerade mit einem sehr schönen Modellvon H&M. Was haltet ihr davon? Brauche ich noch einen plisserten Rock? Diese Farbe ist doch einfach zu schön! Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich dem werde wiederstehen können!
EN: In one of my previous posts I admitted my addiction to pleated skirts. Here you can see the skirt that started it all. The black, slightly transparent midi skirt from a flea market, which I got at a bargain price (although it was still new, with the label still attached).
Right now I’m observing a very nice skirt from H&M. What do you think? Do I need another pleaded skirt? This color is so charming! I am not sure i can resist it!
skirt: flea market | shirt: H&M | necklace: Jette Joop | shoes: Deichmann
love the jean, blue shoes and old school style purse! thanks for the comment! Want to follow each other? I'd love to keep up with your posts!
I LOVE this outfit.. Looks amazing..
Great Blog hun, Follow each other??
MiMi ♥..
Make-up Overdose
Wunderbarer Look!!
Following your lovely blog dear :D
Pleated skirts are so comfortable! A girl could never have enough of them. Go for it :)
– Gaby
From Rags to Glam
Love the look :)
I'm following your blog, hope you will follow me back :)
There is this amazing giveaway at my blog.I'm giving away really cute accessories for girls, check it out
again such a cute post darling :)) .. as always well done and really unique <33
oh not to forget, could you pls do me a favour and vote for me by liking my photo on this link:
that would mean so much to me and maybe you can also spread it on facebook by sharing it :)) puss puss and huggs from
that is such a cute look!
Love that outfit :O
Now I'm oficially following you!
So lovely :D
love your blog beautiful photos!
thanks for stopping by my blog and following :)
following you now too
wonderful outfit!! love those heels and skirt <3
Love your look.Thanks for stopping by my blog and sure i'd love to follow
each other.Did it right away.Hope to see you among my followers as wellXX
I love your shoes! I love the outfit in general actually :)
Thanks girl! :D cant wait for a new post!
p.s. did you see my comment on your post about the DIY blue dress? i checked and you still havent approved it, so maybe you didnt see? anyway, when you do please get back to me, k? :)
wow das steht dir supergut! Klasse kombiniert!
Love your look.Thanks for stopping by my blog and sure i'd love to follow each other.Did it right away.Hope to see you among my followers as wellXX
So lovely pic :)
Really love your blog !!!
Follow you now, maybe follow me back :)
Beautiful blog!
I would love to follow each other.
Let me know.
Kisses <3
I too have an obsession with pleated skirts but I can't find them ANYWHERE at a decent price ):
But I really love your skirt, it looks so beautiful on you! The blue top and the blue shoes match the outfit perfectly well! I love it!
Thank you for you comment and stopping by on my blog. You requested if I will follow you and yes! I will definitely follow you! You can follow me back at:
Have a great day!
I loved your blog, these photos a lot of inspiration!
oh beautiful pleated skirt! its so pretty!!
thank you so much for your sweet comment! ofc i would want to follow you!!! i adore this look, you look great, and the skirt is soosos cute!!! :))
XOXO Kasia
hi there thanks for the comment,im graduated from lcf if u heard of it!how about u?
come back anytime to check out more of my latest posts!
see u around
that's a really nice skirt – and OF COURSE you need another pleated skirt!!
yeah, lets follow:) thanks for the comment.
lovely skirt!
yes! let's follow each other!
kisses from http://fashionmeplease.blogspot.com
You look so lovely! And I love the surroundings, such a wonderful house and a garden :)
As for the skirt, that's the one I have recently featured on my blog, as I'm in love with this one as well… the colour is fab.
xoxo, Dominika.
Great outfit!! I loved your maxi skirt!!
I'm in love with your look. <3
Cute outfit! The denim shirt is lovely matched with that fabulous black pleated skirt! :)
what a lovely outfit… :)
Nice outfit!
How stupid, I did make a mistake yes. I'm in the list now!! ;) Love Jenna
perfect outfit!!!! Love your skirt!!!
Diese Rockform steht dir sehr gut und meine Lieblingsteile hab ich auch alle vom Flohmarkt.
Der H&M Rock hat auch bereits meine Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Sehr schöne Form und Farben, gekauft hab ich es mir aber nicht und werde es wahrscheinlich auch nicht tun, weil der Stoff zu Wünschen übrig lässt. Es ist ein feiner Tüll, der schnell reißen kann, bzw. mit dem man schnell hängen bleiben kann und ich seh mich schon damit wie ein Emo durch die Gegend flanieren.
An sich bin ich der Meinung, man kann nicht genug Rockformen haben, die einem gut stehen.
Cool outfit :)
The skirt is beautiful! Love the shoes!
love your skirt!!great look!!
kisses and have a nice day=)
I like your skirt <3
thanks for the comment, love the shoes btw. <3
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