Missguided 12/09/2014
ENG: I am a huge fan of the Missguided Campaigns and now I finally made an order. I decided for 2 coordinates: Palmprint bazer plus long pants and a neon orange blazer and shorts set. The good thing is, that the pieces look also cool, when mixed together. I know that it maybe is not the smartest move to invest into summer fashion at the beginning of fall, but sale has an extrem appeal on me and if it soothes you – I ordered cozy sweaters and coats from Asos the same day ;) It’s all about the balance, right?!
DE: Ich bin ein großer Fan der Missguided Werbekampagnen und nun habe ich mir endlich etwas aus dem Online-shop bestellt. Ich habe mich gleich für zwei Sets entschieden (was bedeutet: ich konnte mich nicht für eines entscheiden und habe daher beide bestellt). Zum einen eine lange Hose und ein lässiger Blazer mit Plamenprint, zum Anderen Shorts und Blazer in neon-orange. Das tolle ist, dass die Teile auch unter einander gemixt gut aussehen. ich weiß, dass es wahrscheinlich nicht der cleverste Schachzug ist, sich Sommerteile Anfang Herbstzu bestellen, aber Sale wirkt einfach immer bei mir und zum Ausgleich habe ich am gleichen Tag bei Asos mit Mänteln und gemütlichen Pullis bestellt ;) It’s all about the balance, right?!
Photos: Pretty Mess
Blazer: Missguided | shorts: Missguided | sandals: Juju (Asos) | bag: SIX* | elephant accessories: SIX* | blue bracelet: Sammydress* |
Accessoires elephant jelly missguided palms print sammydress sandalen six sponsor summer
So beautiful!! Love it :)
Layla xx
Ein sehr schöner sommerlicher Look! Der Palmen-Blazer ist richtig cool und diese Farben! Hab noch einen wundervollen September! xoxo
Ooooooh! That look *-*
Anastasia from Fashionlovin’
:* :))
In love with your blazer……. Looking great…
Gefällt mir sehr gut und steht dir auch sehr gut! :)
Liebe Grüße,
Verena von
i love your jacket.
Yes, me too and I have the matching pants also :)))
Beautiful outfit! Love the jacket!
Hey, your blog is awesome
you want to follow each other?
follow me and i will follow u back (gfc)
der Blazer ist so toll, nun will Ich auch wieder Sommer haben!!!
<3, Kathrin
Gorgeous! Love the floral jacket and those sunnies look amazing on you :)
Would you like to follow each other on GFC?
You jacket is lovely! You look amazing
thank you dear for the vist. love your look =) keep in touch =)
You have nice taste in clothes, this outfit is not an exception.That blazer is extremely chic! In addition, those photographs turned out so great!
Wish you a great day ahead!
Wow. thanks for this compliment my dear!
Great Great look!!! I love the details of the accessories!
I'm in love with your style :o
Der Blazer sieht toll aus, noch so richtig schön sommerlich :)
Liebste Grüße
Bezaubernde Nana
Haha I definitely do not blame you for being sucked into the sale at the start of fall ;) Lovely blog and great outfit- would you like to follow each other? If so just let us know :) xx
I love it, looks stunning!
The jacket is absolutely gorgeous, the print is such beautiful! You look really pretty in this post.
-Carmen from Coloco mi desastre con mi ropa.
That's so nice of you!!
Great :)
Love this gorgeous blazer. You look stunning and these shorts complete the outfit beautifully!
The combination is fabulous! Great look with the blazer and shorts.
Thank you so much love!
perfect outfit…love the orange shorts!
Love the tropical print blazer!
overall great outfit dear! from the blazer to the top, the shorts and accessories :)
<3 awww thanks <3
Beautiful look darling!
You look great!
♥ ♥
this time of year is the best time to buy stuff for next summertime. I really like your blazer.
fine bag ;]
new post
Yeah it is great. It fits so many stuff!
Nice combination :) have a good weekend.
Great shorts and blezer! ;))
Klaudia ;-)
Thanks :)
Hi dear,
love your style! You look amazing :)
I don’t know if you noticed, but I have a completely new website, check it out here:
and let me know what you think!
Also, I am moving from Blogger so you can’t follow me through GFC anymore, but if you go to my new page you will see that you can follow the blog through:
Looking forward seeing you on my blog again!
such a great blazer! love the colors :)
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